Senin, 14 Juni 2010

Game of Thrones first teaser trailer!

Fans of the upcoming fantasy drama Game of Thrones finally got their first glimpse of the highly anticipated show. Last night HBO aired a very short teaser trailer, immediately before the premiere of True Blood Season 3.

The teaser (a scant 22 seconds in length) shows us a wooded forest descending into winter, as we hear Sean Bean mutter the Stark family words, "Winter is coming". There are a few quick flashes of Dothraki fighters, Stark bannermen riding on horseback, Ned Stark unsheathing Ice, and some brothers from the Night's Watch encountering something in the woods. Most of this, of course, can only be discerned by a frame-by-frame analysis (which obsessive fans were quick to do). In fact, the almost excessively fast cutting between shots suggests that HBO knew that was exactly what the fans would do.

Game of Thrones is based on the best selling books by author George R. R. Martin. It is scheduled to air on HBO in April 2011.

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